
Bloomington Commerce Group

Historical Sites In Bloomington, IN 47404

Bloomington Indiana's colorful history continues with the famous "Indian Corners," which were once farmland communities until they were developed as an attraction for tourists. Today Bloomington tops the list for attractions in southern Indiana, being home to more than 460 Indian corn acres where summertime corn drives and turkeys feed. An abundance of natural wildlife abounds in Bloomington and includes deer, wild turkeys, coyotes, foxes, ocelots, wolverines, golden eagles, bald eagles, chickens, and many migratory birds such as martins, finches, and bats.

Bloomington Indiana was named the tenth largest city in the United States by the U.S. Census in 2021. Bloomington has been growing and prospering for over a century and has invested a great deal in preserving its rich cultural heritage. The City of Bloomington is surrounded by rich countryside that is as diverse as its people, and its landscape and culture reflect this diversity. Bloomington's landmarks are a reminder of the history and richness of this remarkable area.

The Indiana University Alumni Association is responsible for preserving Bloomington's historical landmarks. These historic landmarks include the John Hancock building, Old State Capitol, Thomas Jefferson House, Bridgett's Farm, the Bloomington City Cemetery, Eastman House, the Bloomington Central Park, the Bloomington Planetarium, and the Science and Space Museum. As an alumnus of this association, I can say that all these wonderful memories were worth the wait! Thanks to the Indiana University Alumni Association and their hard work, these priceless memories will be around for generations to come.

Bloomington's history is rich in tragedy and joy. When Europeans arrived in the area after the Revolutionary War, they began to build what is now Bloomington. The French and English imposed their will on the native Indians and made them pay for their wrongs by torturing and killing them. By the time of the Civil War, Bloomington was populated and had a population of over twenty thousand people. There were very few native Americans in Bloomington at that time, and by the 1870s, when the quota law was established, there were barely any Native Americans left in the town.

Bloomington was one of the principle cities that founded the state of Indiana. It was the spot where the "Bloomington School" was founded. This school taught academic education and the study of law. It was from this foundation that attorneys like Oliver Wendell Holmes and Frankpledge started a new profession, which they pursued until World War II interrupted the career of most lawyers in Bloomington.

Bloomington is also noted for having some beautiful old buildings. Many of these buildings have been converted into historic landmarks and restored to their former glory. The Monroe County Historical Society and Museum has many interesting historical items that are part of the history of Bloomington. This museum also has preserved records of historical events. These records can be accessed through online records. In addition, many of the buildings in Bloomington were destroyed during the war.


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Equity Builders Roofing
3211 N O'Brien Pl
Bloomington, IN 47404
(812) 650-2424


Whether you're doing the repairs yourself or need to have the work done for you, it's important that you get in touch with reliable and experienced Bloomington roof repair professionals to get the job done efficiently and effectively.Equity Builders Roofing can help you with any of the problems that may be facing your home. 

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